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Summer Promotion for LED Display Lasting for 3 Months

To Pay back to our old customes and seek for more possibility to work with new clients who are looking for LED displays, we decided a 3 months promotion for some models of our LED displays. 

The models which are included in this summer promotion are:

  • Indoor Rental: P2.976 (DiR297),  P3.91 (DiR391)
  • Outdoor Rental: P3.91 (DoR391),  P4.81 (DoR481)
  • Indoor Fixed: P3 (SiF3)
  • Outdoor Fix: P6 (SoF6),  P10-SMD (SoF10)

The promotion take effects on the date of July 1st, and lasts to Sep 30th, China time GMT8.

During this period, the discount of mentioned models will be upto 15%, depending on each model of the LED displays.

For more details, please contact:

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